If you’re a professional in the clinical trial world, you have probably heard about patient centricity. It has been a top industry buzzword for the last few years. But patient centricity is more than just a buzzword. So much more. It’s being put to use in all aspects of clinical trials, including protocol design.
Officially defined as the process of designing a service or solution around the patient, patient centricity is a critical ingredient to clinical trial success.
Why Patient Centricity?
From study design, to ancillary supplies needs and study materials, clinical trials have countless moving parts. Adding a patient focus could seem counterproductive, since it adds another step to an already complicated process. But here is why you should consider a patient-centric approach.
Take a moment to jot down 10 goals for your study. What will it take to make your trial a success? Your list may include things like:
- High patient recruitment rate
- Keeping patients engaged with the study
- Staying within your budget
- Bringing your product to market on schedule
A patient-centric approach can help you achieve these study goals.
Easier Said Than Done
As you well know, it is not a simple process to bring a product to market that meets the needs of consumers.
Consumers today have access to information like never before. And as patients, they come to your study educated and empowered. In this information age, it takes more know-how to recruit them, and more engagement to keep them.
When implemented across the study, from protocol design to your interactions in the clinic, building and implementing your trial from the eyes of the patient will revolutionize the entire process, including the end result and your bottom line. Indeed, that is more than just a buzzword. So much more.
Check out our latest free ebook to learn more about patient centricity, including how patient-centric tools are being applied in the clinical trial industry and what we can expect in the future.